
Future of Medicinal Marijuana in Florida Again Up to Voters

The video above features Dr. Jeffrey D. Kamlet, M.D., a Miami Beach-based physician and former president of the Florida Society of Addiction Medicine. The video is a political advertisement paid for by People United for Medical Marijuana, a Florida-based political action committee (PAC) seeking to legalize medical marijuana.

Voters will again have the opportunity to pass an initiated constitutional amendment when the Florida Medical Marijuana Legalization Initiative, or Amendment 2, is on the ballot. If passed, Amendment 2 would allow for medical use of marijuana for individuals with debilitating medical conditions as determined by licensed Florida physicians.

Dr. Kamlet voiced support in an op-ed published in the Miami Herald in 2014 for a similar amendment that year which 57.62 of voters supported but did not pass because it failed to meet the required 60 percent supermajority. The case Kamlet made in his op-ed remains as true and compelling today as it was two years ago:

We may have much to learn about marijuana, but there are two things we can be confident of: Its addictive potential is relatively low and it has never led to a single death by overdose. We should be lucky enough to say the same for literally dozens of other medications often prescribed, even overprescribed, in our country today.

The case for Amendment 2 is really quite simple: Doctors should be allowed to recommend medical marijuana to their patients suffering from debilitating conditions without interference from politicians, and sick Floridians should not have to put their own freedom at risk in order to secure the medicine they need to dramatically improve their quality of life. It’s the compassionate thing to do.

Criminal Defense Attorney for Marijuana Offenses in Miami, FL

As Dr. Kamlet stated in 2014, it remains a shame that sick Floridians have to risk facing criminal penalties for obtaining cannabis merely to help alleviate symptoms or reduce pain. People who are suffering from serious conditions should not have their struggles compounded with court cases.

If you were arrested in South Florida for allegedly possessing marijuana that you needed for a medical condition, do not say anything to authorities without legal counsel. Contact a Miami marijuana lawyer who can fight to protect your rights and help you achieve the most favorable outcome to your case.


Please note that by reading this blog you are not entering into an attorney-client relationship with Hubbs Law, P.A. This blog only provides general legal information. Every case is unique and you should request a consultation to ensure that you are getting the correct legal advice for your specific case.

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